
Toxicity is some more common in the industrial world. We may think we are protected and our world is safe, but we know now that even before new born babies take their first breast, they have been exposed in utero to over 100 different chemicals. There are no tests on humans about what 2 of these chemicals will do in a human body. We are the experiment. We are the ones that hold these chemicals in our bodies and are then responsible for the damage done to our bodies. Most of these chemicals come to us in our air, water and food and we have little to no control over our exposure. 

Biomedical treatment of toxicity happens at a cellular level with mitochondrial support, at an organ level for detoxification strategies for the liver and at whole body approach to make sure all systems are stable and doing their jobs to actively detoxify what should not there in our bodies. 

Toxicty in naturopathic medicine or biomedical treatment is used to determine if there is an obstacle to the treatment. Would the treatment have worked better if toxicty is addressed? The general categories of toxicity include

  1. Heavy metal toxicity 
  2. Chemical toxicants such as pesticides or industrial chemicals
  3. Microbial infection, which could be bacterial, viral, fungal (mold) or parasitic.
We know that toxicity has led to an increase in autoimmune conditions. We also know that developmental delay and autism have mechanisms based in damage due to toxicty. 

A step by step, individual approach is taken when treating toxicity and we use medical and health history to assess and treat for optimum function and health.

Treat Autism

Autism treatment has the ability to change children’s lives