Lyme Testing

Lyme is a bacterial infection shaped like a spirochete. The reason why this infection should be ruled out in complex medical cases is this infection can persist and remain active in the body for years causing complicated health concerns. This infection, like other spirochetes imbeds into tissue, muscle or brain and takes an aggressive and long approach to killing the Lyme. Lyme infection is less likely to be floating in the blood stream and therefore is difficult to find in testing.

Diagnosing a condition is based on testing and Lyme infection is difficult to find. Current testing of Lyme disease incudes 2 tests and symptoms to match Lyme infection in order to be diagnosed clinically with Lyme by your medical doctor. The current testing of Lyme infection is done by testing a person’s immune system and determining if the immune system reacted to the infection. This testing is dependent on a functioning immune system. And this testing stays positive forever if the person’s immune system had exposure to Lyme disease. So if you got bit by a tick at age 5, took antibiotics early and fought the infection, this test would be positive at any age, because this type of testing is about past exposure and not current status of infection. The testing is therefore used to diagnose but not used to track treatment success.

An emphasis on disease prevention, nutritional advice, and natural health products are common practice amongst NDs. Underlying causes of disease are addressed with patients, not just symptoms. Educating patients on risk, considering contraindications / synergistic actions with drug and natural supplements, and encouraging self-responsibility for health are the foundation of the ND-patient relationship.

Patient care focused on wellness encompasses physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental and social factors. 

Naturopathic assessment, diagnosis and treatment draws from a number of modalities (therapies) and is tailored to the individual. Treatments may include clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, homeopathic medicine, physical treatments, acupuncture and Asian medicine, and lifestyle counselling.

Naturopathic medicine is a distinct form of primary health care. There are seven accredited schools of naturopathic medicine in North America.

Naturopathic medicine is based on the following principles:

  • First do no harm
  • The Healing power of nature
  • Identification and treatment of the causes of disease
  • The primary role of the doctor as the teacher
  • Treatment of the whole person
  • Disease prevention and health promotion

Naturopathic medicine is for people of all ages and health histories who want to take their health into their own hands. NDs are primary health care providers and are qualified to see and treat everyone.